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Lennections provides administrators, teachers and students user-friendly, color-coded, interactive reports. These reports are designed to be easy to understand, pinpoint misconceptions, and drive instruction. Reports can be run at the district, school, teacher or student level. Reports include the option to filter data by school, grade, activity, and teacher. View student data by demographics, gender, designations and subgroups.


Let’s take a look at the reports available in Lennections.

A Deep Dive Into Understanding Assesslet Data


Click on the name above to view a slideshow presentation or click below to watch a video on analyzing data.

After Assesslets - Analyzing Data
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Actions Analysis Report

Provides comparative data for each action within an activity by displaying the number of correct and incorrect responses

Learn more about the Actions Analysis Report for Administrators

Learn more about the Actions Analysis Report for Teachers

The Actions Analysis Report allows Administrators and Teachers to view:

Total Responses

Incorrect Responses

Correct Reponses

Partial Points Earned

The points earned out of points possible in a bar graph

The ability to view each item including rationales, standards, and subgroup data

Teachers can filter response data to sort student responses

Use the Filter feature to sort report data by desired demographics

Data can be exported to Excel

Standards Analysis Report

Provides comparative data for all tagged standards on an activity. The report displays each standard assessed with the overall points earned (PE) out of the overall points possible (PP).

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Learn more about the Standards Analysis Report for Administrators

Learn more about the Standards Analysis Report for Teachers

The Standards Analysis Report allows Administrators and Teachers to view:

The complete standard

The number of items that tested that standard

The total points possible and the total points earned including visual representation

View and sort individual student data

View percentage of mastery at the student, class, teacher, school and district level

Easily sort students by standard mastery levels

Use the Filter feature to sort by desired demographics

Data can be exported to Excel

Response Analysis Report

Displays the distribution of student responses for each scored item on an activity.

Learn more about the Response Analysis Report for Administrators

Learn more about the Response Analysis Report for Teachers

The Response Analysis Report allows Administrators and Teachers to view:

The number of students, and the names of students, who selected each response. Use this data to sort students by rationale feedback and misconceptions

The number of students, and the names of students, sorted by rubric scores; points earned for written responses

The number of students, and the names of students, sorted by individualized feedback provided by Raters for each written response

Use the Filter feature to sort report data by desired demographics

Data can be exported to Excel

Results Analysis Report

Displays distribution of highest and lowest scores, along with the mean and median scores for each activity. Student results display cumulative results and representation.

Learn more about the Results Analysis Report for Administrators

Learn more about the Results Analysis Report for Teachers

The Results Analysis Report allows Administrators and Teachers to view:

Overview results including highest score, lowest score, mean, and median.

Student results by the number of students at each percentage score.

Representation, cumulative results and cumulative representation for each level.

Performance Analysis Report

Sorts students by performance levels.

Learn more about the Performance Analysis Report for Administrators

Learn more about the Performance Analysis Report for Teachers

The Performance Analysis Report allows Administrators and Teachers to view:

Overview results by performance levels

Reports by percent or student count

Use the Filter feature to sort data by desired demographics

Actions Overview Report

Sorts and groups students by their response to each Action. Sort students by correct, incorrect, partial or all responses.

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Learn more about the Actions Overview Report for Administrators

Learn more about the Actions Overview Report for Teachers

The Actions Overview Report allows Administrators and Teachers to view:

Students by their response on each item

Sort students by correct, incorrect, partial or all responses

View each item, DOK and standard for each item

Use the Filter feature to sort data by desired demographics

Data can be exported to Excel

Performance Overview Report

Sorts and groups students by performance levels based on overall scores.

Learn more about the Performance Overview Report for Administrators

Learn more about the Performance Overview Report for Teachers

The Performance Overview Report allows Administrators and Teachers to view:

Students by their performance level

Sort students by each performance level

Use the Filter feature to sort data by desired demographics

Data can be exported to Excel

Student Reports

Lennections helps students and parents better understand the student’s individual results through reports right in the student’s accounts. Students have access to the full activity, correct responses, rationales, rubrics, standards, DOK level of each item and a standards analysis report for each activity.

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