Coming 2025
Less than half of Georgia's students reach proficiency on state science assessments, but Lennections provides a solution. Science Assesslets, expertly crafted with Georgia state resources, offer high-quality tools to pinpoint misconceptions and drive student success in mastering standards and boosting state testing scores.
Mastering Science: A Formula for Success with Lennections Assesslets
Currently, districts and schools can order Science Cumulative Assesslets for Grades 1 through 8 and the high school Biology course. Unit, Interim and Benchmark Assesslets are coming soon. Science Assesslets are expertly crafted, come with detailed rationales to address misconceptions and mimic end-of-year exams. Assesslets require extended reasoning and critical thinking. They provide comprehensive reports to guide instructional decisions and improve test-taking strategies and state test scores.
Experimenting with Excellence: Science Unit Assesslets
Aligned with Georgia's K-12 Science Standards and Curriculum Maps
Includes both pre and post-tests for each science unit
Evaluates specific science standards with 3-5 items per standard
Unique items for pre and post-tests, but same standards and blueprint
Social Studies Unit Assesslets:
Pinpoint student difficulties with specific standards, item types, or question formats
Obtain a clear understanding of mastery levels
Identify areas needing more focus and attention
Prepare students for top performance on state exams
*Coming 2025
Scientifically Speaking: Georgia's Science Interim Assesslets
Rolling cumulative assessments aligned with Georgia's K-12 Science Standards Curriculum Maps
Designed to evaluate student mastery of standards covered up to specific points in the school year
Science Interim Assesslets:
Assessment Structure:
First interim assesses standards from Units 1 and 2
Second interim assesses standards from Units 1, 2, and 3, and so forth
Introduces new standards while providing a spiral review to ensure retention
The integration and uniqueness of our Science Interim Assesslets allows for use alongside Unit and Benchmark Assesslets, ensuring that each interim assessment contains distinct items without any duplication.
*Coming 2025
Historical Highlights: Mastering Social Studies with Interim Assesslets
Mimics end-of-year, or course testing
Suggested for beginning, mid, and end of course or year assessments
Assesses all state specific grade level, or course, standards
Unique items on each Benchmark Assesslet
Responder tools encourage use of test taking strategies
Provide reliable data to measure growth and mastery
Address misconceptions before state testing
Deliver valuable and dependable information to districts and schools
Measure and monitor progress effectively
Identify strengths and weaknesses
Guide instructional decisions
Evaluate curriculum effectiveness
Gain insights into overall student achievement
Science Benchmark Assesslets:
*Coming 2025